Cecille Rose Viray  Manalo

Cecille Rose Viray Manalo

3 oktober 1990 - 20 augustus 2024

In memory of Cecille Rose Manalo

With great sadness, we announce the loss of our colleague Cecille Rose Manalo.

Cecille worked in the Technology & Projects organisation as Sr. Design Engineer I&A.

You can leave a personal message for the relatives.

Neste would like to express its sincere condolences to Cecille’s family, friends, and colleagues for their loss.
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Shocking to hear the loss of cecille. My sincere condolence to your friends, family ad fellow loved ones during these difficult time 😥.

She is such a friendly, helpful and wonderful person to work with.

May your soul rest in peace! 
Op 16 september 2024
om 12:19 getekend door:
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What a great loss. Cecille will be remembered as a warm and friendly person and a great colleague. 
Op 3 september 2024
om 18:43 getekend door:
H.e.n.k.j.a.n. .O.l.t.h.u.i.s.
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So very sad to hear this terrible news about Cecille, she was a beautiful soul and now she is a beautiful shining star. I wish her family and friends all the strength they need to carry the loss of Cecille.
She will be missed by many people... 
Op 2 september 2024
om 7:59 getekend door:
A.n.g.é.l.i.q.u.e. .L.a.n.d.m.a.n.
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It is extremely sad, when person passes so young and so suddenly as Cecille did. All the strengths to the family, friends and work colleagues. 
Op 27 augustus 2024
om 11:27 getekend door:
V.i.s.a. .K.i.v.i.n.e.n.
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Cecille is more than a colleague at work, she is a friend and surely I will miss her company. Condolence to the family and know that ces was dearly appreciated and cherished by everyone. 
Op 27 augustus 2024
om 10:04 getekend door:
R.a.y.m.o.n.d. .C.o.
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It's hard to imagine that such a young and vibrant person is no longer with us.
My condolences go to Cecille's family and friends.
I wish them a lot of strength in this difficult time. 
Op 26 augustus 2024
om 16:17 getekend door:
R.o.n.a.l.d. .d.e. .C.o.c.k.
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Words can't describe the pain of losing Cecille so unexpectedly. Her positivity will be greatly missed.

My thoughts are with her family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time. 
Op 26 augustus 2024
om 14:10 getekend door:
M.i.c.h.a.e.l. .v.a.n. .d.e. .W.e.g.
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My condolences to Cecille's family and friends. R.I.P. 
Op 26 augustus 2024
om 11:32 getekend door:
J.e.s.s.e. .H.o.n.k.o.
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My sincere condolences to Cecille’s family, friends, and colleagues 
Op 26 augustus 2024
om 10:10 getekend door:
M.a.r.c.o. .L.o.d.d.e.r.
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Unfortunately had not the chance to meet and work with Cecille. According to the reactions in this Condolence, she was a great person. My thoughts are with her family. I wish them strength and patience in this difficult time. 
Op 25 augustus 2024
om 11:56 getekend door:
M.o.h.a.m.e.d. .e.l. .B.o.j.a.d.d.a.i.n.i.
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I would like to share my deepest condolences to Cecile's family, friends and colleagues. I wish you all strength in this very difficult time. 
Op 25 augustus 2024
om 11:04 getekend door:
J.e.s.s.y. .L.e.g.e.r.s.t.e.e.
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Dear family and friend of Cecile,

What a really sad news this week, how to go on with this.

I wish you al the strength to give this lost a place in live. 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 15:43 getekend door:
A.n.d.r.e. .B.o.k.m.a.
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Dear Family and friends of Cecille,

me and my family wish you all the strength for coping with this big loss.

I just loved the atmosphere she spread out. 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 14:20 getekend door:
E.E.L.C.O. .D.I.J.K.S.T.R.A.
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RIP Cecille. My deepest condolences to the family. 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 11:51 getekend door:
J.a.n. .B.r.u.i.n.i.n.g.
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It's was very shocking and sad that we missed you. I pray God for giving strength to her family to bear the great loss. She was friendly and helpful in the office. My deepest condolences. 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 11:00 getekend door:
V.i.v.e.k.a.n.a.n.d. .V.i.s.w.a.m.
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Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. Cecille was a kind, happy and well-liked colleague, who will be greatly missed. I wish the family, friends and colleagues lots of strength in these difficult and sad times! 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 6:58 getekend door:
T.i.m.o. .R.i.i.h.e.l.ä.i.n.e.n.
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My deepest condolences to Cecille’s family, friends and direct colleagues.
I wish you all strength in this difficult time. 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 6:56 getekend door:
Y.v.o.n.n.e. .H.o.u.t.m.a.n.
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She was one of my first I & A engineers as a PM and the amount of support, and quick response, she had given was amazing. In all my interactions with her, her friendly and sweet personality always shone through. RIP 
Op 23 augustus 2024
om 3:30 getekend door:
Y.i.n.g. .J.u.n.
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Dear family and friends,
What a terrible news to read that our colleague Cecille has passed away so young and suddenly!
I wish the family and friends lots of strength in these difficult and sad times ahead! 
Op 22 augustus 2024
om 17:24 getekend door:
T.h.e.o. .B.o.n.t.e.n.b.a.l.
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Dear family and friends,
I have got to know Cecille as a wonderful person. She was kind and considerate. I believe this is a shock for everybody who knew her. My condolences. 
Op 22 augustus 2024
om 17:08 getekend door:
M.a.r.c.e.l. .B.o.s.
Dit is niet ok
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Cecille Rose Viray Manalo

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